

Start managing
your wealth


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and test for free!

Empowering you to grow your wealth

financial advice accessible to everyone

The first investment platform truly made for the public

You too can manage your money. With professional digital investment advice at your side, everyone should be able to turn income into wealth by managing their own money. Without management fees or expensive products. With this in mind, we created a modern and accessible goals-based investing application that combines your savings experience with our investment expertise. Take control of your investments and build wealth by setting investment goals. You can do it! What are the benefits of a Roboadvisor?

It is feasible to deliver customized products targeted to goals that take account of individual characteristics, delivering it at low prices.

Robert C. Merton

Professor of Finance at MIT & Nobel Laureate - Economics 1997

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The ABC to grow your wealth…

our answers to key wealth management questions

Invest to reach your goal
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You want to buy a house, build a safety net for your family or invest for the long-run? This template allows you to specify various goals across all spectrums of life.
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Pay back your debt
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You want to reduce your debt like your mortgage before retirement? We help you to structure your investments that support your debt payments and to reduce your obligations over time.
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Plan your retirement
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You wonder how much you have to save for retirement? Retired or not, we help you to estimate how much capital is needed before you can retire or how much capital to spend when retired.
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Our pricing schemes

free basic access for your basic goals


Basic access for personal use


or donate

Define your investment goal, test your risk tolerance and derive your first goal-based investment portfolios free of charge for basic goals up to 500'000 CHF/EUR/USD

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    Make a risk tolerance and knowledge test

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    Invest to reach a financial goal

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    Pay back financial debts

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    Plan investments for retirement

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    All targets up to 2 million (CHF/EUR/USD)

Required minimum investment

100’000 for charity/trust/foundations and 5’000 for all other goals


Registered users access

25 CHF/day

for one device/browser

Derive your goal-based investment portfolios for all available target categories and for goals up to 2 million CHF/EUR/USD (24 hours access)

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    Make a risk tolerance and knowledge test

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    Invest to reach a financial goal

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    Pay back financial debts

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    Plan investments for retirement

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    All targets up to 2 million (CHF/EUR/USD)

Required minimum investment

100’000 for charity/trust/foundations and for investments after retirement. 50’000 for supporting your debt amortization and 5’000 for all other goals


Professional/Institutional access

Contact us and discover what we can do for you

You need

  • more personalized advice for investments over 2 million CHF/EUR/USD,
  • access to the full spectrum of our covered investment universe (including major sectors)
  • customized investment vehicles or
  • are you considering using our technology?

Join our project and benefit from one of the most sophisticated investment technologies available today.

    People behind the scenes...

    or what drives our team

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    why card image

    For far too long, creating a sophisticated wealth advisory platform for ordinary people didn't seem worth the effort. Now we've done it and we love it.

    Michael worked more than 15 years for a major Swiss bank, holding leading positions in his career including his role as Head of Quantitative Investment Strategy.

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