

Fees matter!

Fees and knowhow is what stands between you and your future wealth

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We believe that fees, along with financial literacy, are the biggest barriers to accessing capital markets for individual investors. Unfortunately, fees are often hidden or mixed in with performance figures, making it difficult to fully understand their impact on your assets. That is why we have created a tool that helps you uncover the hidden costs of your "managed" investments by comparing their 5-year performance with a solution you can implement yourself.

Select a top-of-mind portfolio

and compare your wealth before and after fees

Defines the inflow of the investment (as of the end of the month) - performance thus starts in the following month
Start date:

The end date can be chosen arbitrarily (performance up to and including the end of the month)
End date:

Min. capital is 5'000, max. 9'999'999
Start capital:

Added by month end
Further contributions:

Per month end
Contribution size:

Equity weight as risk indication
Select your equity weight:Corresponding risk profile:


Important note: Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The historical analysis provided here is for illustrative purposes only and can only partially illustrate the risk associated with an investment in the capital markets, which may result in the loss of your invested capital.

The various types of investment fees

...that cannibalize your wealth

Investment fees can be split into reported and unreported (i.e. hidden) fees. Both represent opportunity costs since they reduce the potential of growing your wealth over time. Understanding fees it hence the first step to avoid them!

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It all lies with you!

It is an effort you have to take but...

...the numbers speak for themself. The money that can be preserved when managing your own wealth is absolutely significant and we encourage you to get started investing on your own to avoid all the hidden and less hidden fees that over time make a big difference on how much you can grow your wealth. Here's how: Using the Roboadvisor in five steps.

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