What if I had invested on time?
It's always easy to be smart with hindsight
But that is not our aim. Neither do we want to project spectacular future wealth developments using historical returns, although common with robo-advisors. We want this tool to help our user family to understand the value of capital markets and what impact already very small investments over time can have on your wealth when comparing to the alternative of a savings account. So, in this tool you can simulate how different % invested in equities (correspond to five different risk profiles) in conjunction with bonds and cash allowed to growth wealth in the past and how much risk was historically involved (i.e. how much uncertainty you had to endure).

Important note: Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The historical analysis provided here is for illustrative purposes only and can only partially illustrate the risk associated with an investment in the capital markets, which may result in the loss of your invested capital.
By investing in capital markets you are collecting
risk premia (Risk premium - Wikipedia) over time, ie. you are compensated for exposing your wealth to uncertainty by lending it over time (called term risk premium Yield curve - Wikipedia) or by investing it into an endeavour (equity risk premium Equity Risk Premium Definition see investopedia.com). As can be seen, even small investments into equities and bonds - when conducted over a sufficiently long period of time - lead to substantial wealth building relative to cash. That's why investment professionals often stress that it is not about timing the market but time in the market.